Stock Front Office Trading System
Functions Highlight
- Connect to HKEx Open Gateway (OG) and AMS/3 trading system
- OG price quotation functions
- Realtime trade order amendment with dynamic sorting sequence
- Online inquiry on all clients' executed orders
- Sophisticated risk management mechanism on individual client and AE
- Connection with online trading website, mobile phone & PDA etc.
- Instant trade order cancellation of a particular stock and its related warrants in special situation
Commodities & Options Front Office Trading System
Functions Highlight
- Connect to HKFE Open API and pass the
official test
- AE or investor can input orders including
index futures, options, international
futures or other derivative products
- Real-time inquiry on executed orders
records, cancelled orders and pending
- Substantial market information price
information, price depth, order depth and
price depth with calculation
- Useful trade books, ticker, market
statistics and trade statistics functions
- Sophisticated monitoring functions on
order approval, trade book, order book,
order history and company trade
- ser-friendly system setting with "save
desktop setting", "build groups", "user
trading preference" and login in password